TradeShark Diary, 5th April 2020

I’ve been criticising the minority of people who are not following the rules. Today we find out that the Scottish Chief Medic has spent the last 2 weekend at her second home. It is apparently a 1 hour drive to get there from their main home. This weekend she went there with her husband and her whole family travelled there last weekend.


The death count in the UK is approaching 5000.

I logged into my main Twitter account this morning. It is still suspended but I saw a message from Tony (The Badger) Hargraves saying “welcome back!”. I contacted Tony to ask what made him think I was back! Apparently the account was not suspended this morning for a short time. I checked the tweets and the one that I think got me into trouble had been removed.

That gave some hope that someone did appear to be looking into the suspension. However I have just checked again and the tweet is back! God knows what they are doing!

Talking of Tony Hargraves I will be interviewed by him this week.

The Queen’s speech will be broadcast at 8pm. My wife loves the royals so we’ll be watching it but seriously, does anyone really care what the Queen thinks? Older people perhaps but I doubt under 20’s are interested. Can she say we’re all in it together? Sitting in a castle? Sure Prince Charles caught it which went against the belief that you can’t catch it from a horse.

Just heard about some cat mutilations about 5 or 10 minutes from here. Following reports that cats can bring the virus to us on their paws, 2 were found with their paws hacked off.

Stop the world I want to get off.

Tennis Trading Guide

TradeShark Diary, 5th April 2020 Read More »

TradeShark Diary, 3rd April 2020

I didn’t update the post yesterday. The clap for the NHS and other key workers ( maybe they can find another name for it) brought out a lot more people down our street than it did last week. This time everyone was out in the front gardens.


I need to stop looking out of the windows when I am sat at my desk. The young girl opposite really isn’t ready to look after herself never mind her young kid. She has set fire to the place at least twice. She doesn’t live with her mum who is either a carer or works for the NHS judging my the uniform. This morning her mum was packing her daughter and grandson into her car. It looked like they were moving in with her and the rest of the family. Now I understand the need to help your kids and I sympathise but I would put money on the mum not knowing that her daughter had a load of mates round pretty much every day in the last 2 weeks. That obviously drastically increases the chances that she could be infected. Her mum is then going into her ward or care home where there are people who are more vulnerable to the virus.

I should close the blinds. I keep telling myself that it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to follow the rules (or even try to follow the rules).

I get lots of emails asking if I accept guest posts or sponsored posts. While there is no tennis on if they want to pay me to post on the blog I’m happy to oblige. Lets see if I get any more. I have emailed those who have asked in the last few months. I didn’t email the woman who sent me about a dozen follow up emails after I said that I wasn’t interested.

I took my camera out with me a last night. Every night I see foxes or something going on that might be of interest on here. Every night except the one night that I took the camera. Sod all happened. Lets see what happens tonight.

Tennis Trading Guide

TradeShark Diary, 3rd April 2020 Read More »

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