TradeShark Diary, 5th September 2020

It has been an interesting week. I turned 52 on Tuesday. I spent a big chunk of the day researching tennis matches, visiting our daughter and grand kids and taking calls from relatives. That is a few too many distractions and I traded just 1 match.

The opening week of the US Open has not been the easiest. Fewer 3 setters in the women’s draw than we normally expect to see. That has been offset by more long matches in the Men’s tournament. You can expect upsets in the slams and we have had a few although not as many as normal. Muguruza had played fairly well in the first round but then lost to Pironkova in straight sets. Pironkova is playing her first tournament sine July 2017! Murray looked like he was going out in straight sets to Nishioka on Tuesday before he found some inspiration and fought back to win in 5.

Garcia seems to be over her confidence issues and beat top seed Pliskova in straight sets. Raonic went out to Pospisil on Thursday. I had Raonic down to reach the semis. Dimitrov lost again to Fucsovics. This time in 5 sets. Brengle disposed of a disappointing Yastremska and Cirstea beat Konta who I also expected to have a good tournament.

We had a nice price on Goffin to beat Krajinovic and he won in straight sets. Dan Evans went out in 4 sets in his delayed match with Moutet. Osaka had a tough match last night against Kostyuk and in the end was helped out by Kostyuk’s injury.

Last night saw what must be the biggest choke of the tournament and is possibly the biggest choke of the year. Tsitsipas was 2 sets to 1 up on Coric. In the fourth set Tsitsipas was 5-1, 40-0 up. He blew 6 match points and lost the set 5-7. Coric took the match in the 5th set tie break.

I have been trading since 2008 and wrote the first version of the Trading Guide in 2009. I have been asked pretty much every question that you can think of. I have seen almost everything that you would expect to see as a trading product vendor. Every year I get a handful of people who buy the Guide only for me to discover when setting up their access that they already bought it. Some bought it 10 years ago. Occasionally they bought it the same year! That’s not a massive shock. Anyone who has read the blog for a while knows that I am always messing about with or tweaking the sites so people visiting the sales site for the first time in a year or more will be seeing a very different looking page.

So not much surprises me. However something that happened late last night was a first. Someone signed up for the Trading Guide at the start of the week. Two or 3 days later they contacted Paypal and requested a refund. That’s not the surprise. I get very few refund requests apart from the people who sign up twice. This person clicked on the reason for the refund request as “Item not as described”.

As the vendor I get an email saying that someone has requested a refund. I then have 3 options. I can send them a message. I can send them a refund. I can hand it over to Paypal to decide. I sent a message. I pointed out that the “item” is EXACTLY as described and that I have been selling it for over a decade with very few complaints that it isn’t as described. I asked for more details on why they claimed that it was not as I had described it.

The Trading Guide and the service mean a hell of a lot to me. Blood, sweat AND tears have gone into it. It takes up a lot of my time and mental energy on top of trading the matches. Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy almost every minute of it but if you criticise my service my reaction is a bit like a parent whose 11 year old kid is being poked with a stick and is being told how ugly he is.

Anyway the reply that came back was a bit thin especially when it was made 3 days after purchasing it. However I felt that if they wanted to bail after 2 or 3 days then they probably weren’t going to put the effort in that’s required. I sent the refund.

Then last night, just before I took the dogs out, they signed up again! If this was you don’t worry. I won’t be naming you and I’m sure you will understand why I was surprised. I thought at first that it wasn’t the same person. Just a similar name. Except that it is quite an unusual name. Then I thought maybe my phone was playing up. Occasionally it shows me notifications of emails that I received many days go. I logged into Paypal to confirm it was a new payment and it was. I haven’t heard anything from them so far today but if it was you I’d love to know what brought about such a rapid change of heart.

I’m going to have a chill for a few hours until the matches start. I have the house to myself.

Have a good weekend.

Tennis Trading Guide

TradeShark Diary, 5th September 2020 Read More »

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