Exhibition matches can be useful for new traders!

Now before you start typing a comment or email I am NOT recommending that new traders get involved in exhibition matches. I usually advise against trading them at all but these are unusual times. If you have some experience and do get involved I strongly recommend reducing stake size. I have traded some of the Tennis Point matches but have avoided the others as I have heard too many comments about dodgy markets and/or results.

Players use exhibitions to prepare for a new season or in this case for a resumed season. Their motivation is often much lower than in main tour matches. I think most of the players outside the top 20 will be struggling financially so there will be at least SOME motivation to earn a slightly bigger slice of the small prize fund.

How are these matches useful to new traders? Total newbies have the opportunity to watch matches with the match odds market open so they get to see how the price is affected by what’s happening on court. There is also the chance to trade matches using the practise mode on the trading software.

Anyone interested in learning how to make money on the tennis markets on Betfair should take a look at my tennis trading guide. My Coronavirus offer is still running and you will get 1 month of the Trading Tips emails for FREE. Obviously the emails won’t be starting until the main tour gets started again.

Trading guide

If you have any questions about tennis trading please feel free to email me at tradesharktennis@gmail.com

Tennis Trading Guide

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