TradeShark Tennis – Live Streamed Trades

For anyone who is new to the site, the Tennis Trading Guide was launched in 2009. As my knowledge grew, I added to the content. Thirteen years later it is one of, if not THE, best courses on Tennis Trading on betfair. Why is now called the Tennis Trading Course? Pretty simple really. people don’t search for “Tennis Trading Guide” on google!

I have kept it up to date to make sure that it remains current. The markets have changed over the years and traders have had to adapt their methods.

Recently, I have added Live Streamed Trades to the service. I used to do them years ago when I was trading part time and do them as part of the Tennis Profits service.

So, what happens in a Live Streamed Trade? You see my trading screen and I explain my thoughts during the match. I talk about what I am intending to do and why. Every trade is explained.

Here is an example of a recent trade. It is early days with the streams but initially I aim to do 2 streams a month.

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Tennis Trading Guide

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