
Tradeshark Diary 25th November

We’re almost at the end of another season. Just the WTA Challenger in Limoges which start on the 16th of December.

So I have 3 weeks to recharge the batteries a little although I use the off season to “spring clean” the websites. I am always tweaking the site and the trading guide throughout the season but as I am usually working at 100 mph it all just needs checking.

I have quite enjoyed today as I have managed to get a lot done. I’ve added a new section to the Members pages, checked 75% of the members pages. I am converting all the pages to WordPress blocks. WordPress changed the default editor months ago but as it was in the middle of the season I couldn’t be bothered with learning how to use it so I stuck with the old editor. Quite recently I thought I would have a look at the Gutenberg blocks editor and really like it. You have more options for page layout and lots of other things.

I still haven’t heard any more about the copyright issue. …

Tennis Trading Course

Tradeshark Diary 25th November Read More »

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