TradeShark Diary, 29th April 2020

I took the dogs out a little earlier than normal last night. We set off around 10:45 pm. We almost always see foxes on the late walks. Last night was no exception but as we walked down the main road towards the hospital a huge badger crossed the road just in front of us. That’s the first badger I have seen for perhaps 3 years. It seemed close enough that even the body cam would pick it up. it did but the images were poor. I was disappointed by that. As I have mentioned on here before I haven’t had much luck getting footage of the wildlife. I have changed the settings on the camera to the highest resolution and full HD. If that doesn’t help I’ll be binning the camera!


As planned we changed things round in our bedroom. By that I mean the furniture and not the sex life. Sue had done a plan and thought it would take all day. As we were getting rid of the old dressing table I suggested that I made a start dismantling that and I’d give her a shout when it was done. It came apart really easily. That left a space to move the wardrobe into. It is quite old but well made and I didn’t remember it having some sort of castors on the bottom. It moved really easily. I was cleaning as I went. Three chest of drawers found their new homes quickly.

Nothing had really moved in the bedroom in the last 8 years (again, I don’t mean the sex life) so I expected to find mess or damage when I moved items but other than dust there was nothing major to sort out. The TV unit moved to the opposite wall. The bedside tables were next. Just the bed to move. I realised that this was supposed to be a little project to fill some time in for Sue. I went downstairs to ask her to help me move the bed. I could have done it on my own! I did apologise for taking the job from her but she was made up that I had done so much so quickly. We moved the bed and started looking at the small details of how we both wanted things to look. We need some new bedside lights which I have ordered from Amazon. We were all done by 12:00.

I wanted to finish adding subtitles to the old webinar video that I posted on Monday. The original sound was drowning out some of my comments. I still had the last 10-15 minutes to do and I got that done. Here is the link if you haven’t seen it yet or if you want to read the comments that you missed from the first viewing.

This is day 5 of Sue’s 14 days off. Things are going extremely well so far! I have 2 orders of bedding plants to be delivered. In fact one of them has not been confirmed yet. All I have had delivered is some bags of compost and the membrane for the front garden. This week looks like having a fair amount of rain so let’s hope we get them for next week to give her something to do.

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