BetJetPro Betfair Trading Software

Tony Hargraves contacted me to say they were planning an update to BetJetpro and he wanted to know what features I would add for tennis traders.

Tennis trading doesn’t need all the bells and whistles that most of the software vendors add to their offering. Tennis trading is best when everything is kept as simple as possible.

So what does the updated version of BetJetPro offer the tennis trader? They have their own version of the TradeShark hedge. They call it OptiHedge.


When a player gets a break point or a break, I advise removing some of your liability. You don’t usually have a lot of time to make that adjustment but BetJetPro make the process much easier. Select the button with the desired liability reduction percentage (the user can customise these figures), and click on the price on the ladder. The software works out the required stake.

We often want to set a free bet on one of the players. This couldn’t be much simpler. Click on the ladder that you want to have zero on and hit the “Z” key. The Zero Hedge function does the rest.

I’ll be testing the software during the US Open. So far I like what I see. They have a 14 day free trial at

Tennis Trading Guide

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