TradeShark Diary, 14th April 2020

Avoiding the news and twitter really helps you to chill out. I watched about 15 minutes of news this morning. I started on the BBC’s Breakfast programme where someone was telling a sad story about how her mum had died from Corona Virus. I missed the start of the story so perhaps missed some context but a lot of what she seemed to be saying was how she had not followed the rules and her mum got infected. I switched over to GMTV before the end of the story so may have got the wrong end of the stick. I am not a fan of Piers Morgan. As soon as I switched over he was announcing that Terry Waite was on next to give us advice on dealing with being isolated. When I find myself tied to the radiator I’ll look to Terry for tips.


That was all the TV news that I have seen though I am about to go downstairs.

We had an unexpected knock on the door this lunchtime. This hasn’t happened much in the last month. We have had takeaway deliveries and the occasional other delivery but they were expected. The odd time it has been unexpected I have had an weird reaction. A bit of me thinks, “Zombies!”. Then after a tenth of a second I remember we are not in a B movie. I opened the door to see one of our neighbours standing half way down the path. He obviously didn’t think I would remember him ( the neighbours don’t mix much) so explained where he lived and askedif I could I tell him what the colour of my fence stain was called! Not surprisingly I had no idea but told him if he waited there I would check the tub in the shed. He had asked if it was called golden harvest. Maybe he has been doing some online research as that was exactly what it was called! When I told him he paused for a second or two, thanked me and then walked off. I think he was maybe hoping I had some left over and would let him have it. Perhaps he hasn’t had much to do with people from Yorkshire.

That’s about it. If anything exciting happens this evening I’ll add it to tomorrow’s post.

As ever, stay safe.

Tennis Trading Guide

TradeShark Diary, 14th April 2020 Read More »

TradeShark Diary, 13th April 2020

Very quiet day yesterday. Spent all day chilling. Sue cooked a superb Sunday dinner (as always). She went to bed quite early as she is working today.


The WTA Rogers Cup has been cancelled for 2020. This is due to restrictions imposed by the Canadian province of Quebec. Canada hosts the men’s and women’s events with one being played in Montreal and the other played in Toronto. They alternate the venues each year so the WTA played in Toronto last year. At the moment the men’s tournament is scheduled to go ahead.

I tried to keep busy today. I soon got fed up of Twitter as it is even more crammed with bullshit than normal. People have too much time on their hands and being in lockdown for a few weeks has melted the filter between their brain and their mouth ( or in this case their keyboard ).

There is a huge bush in the back garden. It was starting to take over the fence and the bench that’s down there. It has been on my list for months. It probably took me 45 minutes with the shears. It wasn’t worth getting out the electric hedge trimmers. I made a good job of it if I do say so myself!

I killed another couple of hours with housework before I went to Tesco for a bit of shopping. The queue wasn’t bad. Probably only took 5 minutes to get in. It’s the first time I have been in since they properly set up the one way system. I went the wrong way a couple of times before I saw the signs and the huge black arrows on the floor. There were quite a few blokes in there looking like naughty kids as they realised that they were going the wrong way.

The Tony Hargraves webinar has certainly ignited some interest in my blog and sales page. I’ll be back at my desk in the morning. I can’t remember if I have mentioned it but I found the live webinars that I did around 2010. I have watched one of then and skimmed through another. I’ll be recording an up to date commentary as I have on all my other videos on the TradeShark Tennis members pages.

If anyone has any questions about tennis trading you can either email me or catch me in the skype room from Tuesday to Thursday. There is a link in the sidebar on the right of this page. You can also join our new Telegram room. There is a link on the blog home page.

Stay busy. Stay safe.

Tennis Trading Guide

TradeShark Diary, 13th April 2020 Read More »

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