TradeShark Diary, 9th April 2020

The ATP Chairman has been talking about a revised schedule for the rest of the season. It sounds like they have multiple plans depending on when the CoronaVirus is brought under control. He says the tour is to resume on July 13th. There will be a 4 week clay swing after the US Open and the rest of the US tournaments. They are also looking at the possibility of playing in November and December if needed. There is also talk of the possibility of playing behind closed doors as a last resort.

Obviously a lot has to happen before then but when you think about how much has happened in the last month the whole situation is going to be very different in over 3 months’ time.

Started today with a massive headache which is started to disappear now. I have been looking at the live webinars that I did years ago and will be putting them on YouTube along with a 2020 commentary. I have 4 to go through. The one I skipped through just now was incredible and not in a good way. It was recorded a month after I started trading full time.

Quiet night on the street last night. We even had our evening meal in the garden.

Boris is still said to be improving in hospital. A Leeds Councillor has claimed that the whole thing has been a stunt and urged the public not to fall for it.

They walk among us.

Other than that it’s been a quiet day. Stay safe.

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TradeShark Diary, 9th April 2020 Read More »

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