TradeShark Diary, 10th April 2020

I did the interview with Tony Hargraves today. We had a test of the software this morning. The test was fine and we agreed to start the interview/webinar at 1:30. I’m sure originally it was going to be 30 minutes but it ended up taking 2 hours! No complaints from me and the time flew. I really enjoyed it. Lots of questions and it seemed to be well received.

Darren who is already a member of Tradeshark Tennis didn’t need to ask andy tennis trading questions so wanted to know about my watch! I sent him some photo’s later.

TradeShark Diary, 10th April 2020 1

I’m just catching up on the day’s news. Seems like more of the same although 900 died from coronavirus yesterday. Really sad news although still in line with the expert’s predictions. We’re not quite at the peak yet.

Had to pick Sue up from work. They finally have enough staff on the ward. The PPE situation isn’t ideal but not getting any worse. Before I picked her up I had to get some shopping and take the Easter eggs to the grandkids.

I wasn’t sure whether there would be queues at Tesco so I thought I would drive into the carpark and check. If there was a queue I would have taken the eggs to the kids first. No queues so got the shopping. Very quiet in the store so no real excuse for the staff not keeping distance between them. Groups of staff from the home shopping department stood around chatting side by side. No attempt to keep their distance. Can’t say I’m surprised. I saw managers stood side by side when we were in there last week.

No Yorkshire puds and no handwash although I got some at the Costcutter next door ( or is it a co-op now?). Can’t keep up. they had handwash though! They also had a much better selection of MUM Birthday cards. That wouldn’t have been hard as Tesco had none!

I took the eggs to the grandkids. Obviously I left them on the doorstep. The kitchen window is next to the front door and I could hear the kids and their dad in the kitchen. I left the bags and legged it. Must have looked really suspicious. The kids still don’t understand why grandma and grandad can’t visit.

It’s a real rock n roll lifestyle! Never mind. Chinese for supper!

Have a great Easter and stay safe.

Tennis Trading Guide

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