It sounds like the virus may have reached the peak. It depends where you look but if we aren’t quite there it seems like the trend has slowed. That’s all I am going to say on that topic. It’s good to see some positive news. I doubt we will see much on the TV news this evening.
My wife was booked in at the hairdressers on the day the lockdown started. She decided that she needed to cut her own hair. She actually made an excellent job of it. The only bit she struggled with was the back. She asked me to level the back and get rid of the “wispy bits” near her ears. I have said in the past that I am a bit of a control freak. I am but only to do with things I do personally. I have no desire to control others. Is it all women that are control freaks? Control freaks that want everyone else to do things the way THEY want them doing? My wife is one. She hates to be told that. I feel I manage her condition very well after 18 years. I think one of the big reasons that I have done this so well is that I have never agreed to cut her hair.

The atmosphere was tense to say the least. I have a steady hand but that doesn’t help when she is waggling her head around like something my grand daughter might stick on the end of a pencil. She would pull a wisp of hair away from her head and ask me to cut it off. Some of them I could easily do once I was able to anticipate the movement of the target. I may have a future in clay pigeon shooting. Some of the wisps that she pulled away from her head for me to cut fell back nicely in place when she let go. I was careful not to take much off those bits. After I had taken off as much as I dared to the back of her hair looked good. She was still pulling at it saying , “Just take THIS bit off. It’s driving me mad!”. I insisted that she go to the bathroom to check in the mirror before I took any more off. She eventually came out and said it was fine and thanked me.
Another quiet day today. Sue went shopping and I went down in the car to bring her and the shopping home. The queue was pretty bad and apparently earlier in the morning there had been some trouble when people were trying to cut into the queue. There had been a bit of a struggle and handbag waving. When Sue was in the line she was vaping. She took in a little more than normal and it hit the back of her throat. She coughed loudly. She said that the people around her immediately decided that a 5 metre space between them and her was a good idea. She reckoned it took her a good 10 minutes to stop laughing. You have to get your entertainment where you can.
Stay safe.