It has been a tough week. I’m in profit but haven’t broken any records. Some one said to me today that as I have a good record I am allowed a bad week. I actually don’t think I have had a really bad week in terms of the trading tips emails. Some of the players have had shockers though!

I made a comment in the Skype chat that I don’t actually play the matches. Someone seems to have taken it the wrong way. I had an email complaining that I should have told people that I wasn’t trading the matches. What?? Since when does, “I haven’t been playing the matches” actually mean, “I haven’t been trading the matches” ?
In fact when I say I haven’t been playing the matches I mean that I haven’t been down on the bloody court playing the matches. Sorry if it’s confusing.
My wife didn’t want to go out for Valentines. She had the grand kids the next day so didn’t want to be out late. I said I would cook. Tuna steaks in a mustard sauce with Sweet potato mash and roasted veg.
I used to buy fish at the local Tesco but they have closed down their fish counter as well as the butchers. they have prepack stuff but I have never seen any tuna on there. So I decided I’d go into Worcester to the Asda. Friday lunchtime isn’t the best time to be finding your way round an unfamiliar supermarket. having found most of the stuff I needed (with the exception of lemon juice – seriously? No lemon juice) I went to the fish counter. Just 1 small tuna steak on the display. I asked the assistant if she had any more. She disappeared into the back up fridge and came out with a small pre pack tray with 2 tiny tuna steaks in it. Great! Where else sells tuna? I took the 3 small steaks and decided to call in at Tesco on the way home. It’s only a couple of streets away.
Tesco’s had loads of lemon juice and I got the wine there too. As I was near the fish fridges I thought I’d have a look to see if there was anything other than tuna to rescue the meal. Eight packs of prepack tuna steaks! EIGHT!! They were better than the Asda ones so I got 4 decent steaks. Typical. We live 5 minutes from Tesco. I had no need to go into town.
Anyway she loved the meal. Just as well as we have tune steaks spare so we’re having it for supper tonight too!
More rain today. I have never known such a wet winter. There is a field nearby when I exercise the dogs. It’s really useful to let them burn off some energy. We hadn’t been down there for about 6 weeks as it was waterlogged. I decided that I would take them down there one Saturday. Even if we all got caked in mud it would be worth it and at the weekend I have time to bath them afterwards.
So I put my wellies on. Once they realised where we were going they got really excited. They were pushing each other out of the way to get through the gate first. I was prepared to stay down there as long as they wanted to. They were struggling in the mud. They were pulling one foot/leg out at a time and getting nowhere fast. They clearly weren’t enjoying it. After 5 minutes they went to the top of the field and stood by the gate. We haven’t been down there since and that was about 6 weeks ago.
I’m getting a bit tired of towelling the down after walks. I’m also fed up of having to wipe the walls down in the hall as they shake themselves as soon as we get through the door. I have ordered a couple of dog jackets to keep most of their body drier. Sue’s taking the piss about it asking me if I am going to get a matching anorak. If she ever walked the bloody dogs she would know what I am talking about.