TradeShark Diary, 20th June 2021

Well, it’s been a while! The last few weeks have been packed. Plenty of tennis going on including the French Open. I have been concentrating on trading more matches this season. The results have been great but it means a lot of extra screen time. I will probably reduce my trading time a little to find a schedule that is more sensible. There is no point burning myself out. I traded more matches during the French Open than I have ever trading in a slam.

My Dad was 80 last week. They were having party for them in their garden. There were 18 of us all together. They have a big enough garden for everyone to be able to spread out enough. Everyone had been double jabbed. It was nice to catch up with everyone. When I arrived in Bradford I asked what the mask situation was. I was told that I could wear one if I preferred. There were no masks worn and it felt a lot like the old normal. I did search for an 80 year old whiskey as a present for him. That was a short search as the first results were £2500 a bottle. I ended up getting him a very nice 18 year old one. Well, at least it had an “8” in it.

I have been working on a project since January. It’s a new tennis trading site. It was due to have launched by now but there have been teething problems. That’s taken up a fair bit of my time, data checking and testing the site. I won’t say too much about it as It’s a joint project with others. If we achieve my vision for what the site will provide then it will be very popular but there is work to do to get to that stage.

Wimbledon starts next week so I won’t be getting much of a rest any time soon! its a good job I enjoy what I do.

Charlie the Collie cross has been playing me up a little recently. I always walk the dogs late. Molly needs a late walk to get her bowels moving so it has become the routine. In fact she is a lot better at going out into the garden now so I can get away without taking them out. I quite kike the late walks myself. Its a good way to unwind and also to think. Some of my best decisions about the service have been made during a walk. I never take my phone and rarely see anyone on the late walks. Recently Charlie has not wanted to go out late at night. He will act like he wants to but once I have got my jacket on and open the living room door, Molly comes out into the hall and Charlie just goes and lays on his bed and won’t budge. Last week I did take his lead , clipped it on and he came with me without a fuss but wasn’t happy at all on the walk. He kept looking back towards the house and I was a bit worried that he would slip his lead and run back. He has zero road sense. Anyway, the same happened last night. I left him at home and took Molly for her walk. On the way back I thought I would try something different. When we got back I didn’t take my jacket and hat off but just went into the living room and sat on the sofa. Within seconds, Charlie came up to me and was bouncing around like he does when he wants to go out. I opened the door and he went straight into the hall and stood by the front door. I was knackered and could have done without a second walk but was glad that he wanted to go out. He’s a strange dog at times. Collie’s can get obsessed with the tiniest things. At least it hasn’t been because he is scared to go out.

That’s enough for now. There should be more diary entries over the next few weeks. Good luck with Wimbledon. Feel free to join the Telegram room during matches and if you have not signed up for the trading guide or the Trading Tips emails………WHY??

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