For goodness sake! Have the supermarkets run out of common sense? I am watching the BBC news channel where they are replying to viewers questions about lockdown rules.
Such stupid fucking questions!
If I have an enclosed garden am I allowed to be in it?
Jesus wept.
My wife works for the NHS and I take her to and from work. Is this allowed as essential travel?
No mate, stick her on a bus with another 50 people. That would be MUCH safer. This applies to my own situation but it NEVER entered my head to ask if it is OK.
Am I allowed to buy aftershave, wine and beer when I go shopping?
I took the dogs out this morning. To be fair everyone I saw was following the rules. When I took them out at 11pm last night there was a group of teenagers further up the road. As I walked past the Tesco steps I could hear a group of what also sounded like teenagers in the carpark below. Not really a surprise that it is this teenagers who don’t follow the rules. Unfortunately its idiots like them who will keep me out of work longer.
I had mt call from the job centre about my Universal Credit claim. Only lasted 5 minutes. Very friendly guy. Took my details and asked if I was interested I an advance payment. He advised me to request one sooner rather than later as it takes 2 days to hit your account. He said I would get another call tomorrow to take about my self employment details.
I asked him what I needed to prepare for that call and he said just basic earnings info. He said, “To be honest we’re just taking people’s word for things. We’ll mop up the problems later once we have got money to people.”
I wish I’d had THAT little snippet of info when I filled the form in.
I did check out the advance to see how much I could get. More than I expected to be honest.
Another group of 8 or 9 lads just gone up the road with a football. Most are around 20. This could take a while.
A lot more interest in the Trading Guide today. Not sure why. I see the stock markets had a good day too. Did I miss something?
Stay safe.