Yesterday I recorded a new commentary for a live webinar that I did 10 years ago. It was recorded a month or so after I started trading full time. The state of my trading back then was, er, interesting. Let’s just say I have learned a LOT in the last 10 years. When I started trading I found ways to consistently make money and was making £1500 to £2000 a week when I traded full time.

Having watched the 2 hour webinar I can see why my head turned to mush when I had some family issues quite soon after leaving my job. It was quite a stressful style of trading as I seemed to search for the shittest value I could find before I entered the market.
When I recorded the new commentary the sound on the original recording was quite low. It wasn’t until it was uploaded to Youtube that I realised the original audio drowned out the new commentary in places. I have spent most of today adding subtitles to the parts where I couldn’t be heard properly. It has been a very long job. For some of my comments I struggled to work out what I said! I still have the last few minutes to complete. The auto subtitles struggle to understand me.

Tomorrow we are moving the furniture in the bedroom around. Sue has drawn a plan. I asked if she had measured anything. I got a blank look. I gave an example of the wardrobe. On the plan it is going behind the door but it’s quite deep and may not fit. I wish we had as much room as we appear to have on her plan. She thinks it is going to take all day. It isn’t.
Not a lot else going on. The police knocked on our door this evening. They were trying to get hold of our neighbour but no one was answering the door. As I was talking to the copper the neighbour’s door opened. The little girl had dialled 999. The mum came downstairs to 4 police officers standing in her hallway. The kid’s phone has been confiscated.
Stay safe.