TradeShark Diary, 12th May 2020

Yesterday was great! I had the house to myself and I can’t remember the last time the street was so quiet. Really relaxing and just what I needed.

I watched Boris in the house of commons at 3 pm. The Speaker really fancies himself doesn’t he? I mean I know he’s a Yorkshire lad but I bet they kicked him out and took his Yorkshire passport off him. There isn’t really that much that has changed in the lock down rules for most of us. There are changes for business that will cause them problems if they have to try and re-open with social distancing. It sounds like they really aren’t sure of the guidance. For the rest of us we can exercise as many times as we like and it is suggested that we wear masks in places that don’t make social distancing possible such as street parties. That sort of thing. I don’t understand why they are allowing people to drive somewhere to exercise. You can drive as far as you like. That makes little sense to me and gives a lot of scope for abuse.


You can now have a picnic in the park or just sunbathe as long as you stay 2 m apart. However if you want to meet with someone from another household you can’t do it at your home and you can only meet with 1 person at a time. So you can lie on the grass 2 m away from total strangers but can only meet 1 member of your family. I wonder how many people will meet groups of relatives and if questioned will say they have never met these people before in their lives?

I did catch a fox on camera last night. It’s hardly Animal Planet. When I take the dogs out if we see plenty of wildlife I might take the dogs home and then go back out with the camera. Last week we saw a huge badger and a fox fighting. As we came round the corner we were quite close but Charlie went nuts and they ran off. They were close to a crossing that is regularly used by foxes and I have seen badgers use it before. I could hear them in the bushes so we hung around for quite a while trying to catch them running across the road. I was getting cars slowing down as they went past. Maybe I looked suspicious. I read on facebook that a body had been found near there earlier that day.

I recorded a new commentary to the other 2010 webinar today. I remembered an idea I had in December for adding commentary to other people’s videos. I had a quick look on youtube and found a couple of likely candidates so watch out for those!

Quiet night in I think. Stay safe.

Tennis Trading Guide

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