TradeShark Diary, 19th March 2020

We went shopping yesterday evening. It wasn’t a surprise that a lot of the shelves were empty. I had 20 years in food retail management and at times even planning Christmas could be challenging and that happens at the same time every year. Despite all the planning that goes in the festive period some stores can easily get it very wrong.


No one has experienced anything like the Corona Virus so to expect stores to operate anything like normal isn’t realistic. I went into our local Tesco at 8 am this morning. No milk. No bread. Not a single loaf. No eggs. No toilet rolls (obviously). The stores have abandoned 24 hour shopping so that their night teams can fill the stores up but having seen the store yesterday evening and seeing it early (ish) this morning there is something going very wrong. The greater demand for goods will have added a huge strain on the distribution teams and they don’t seem to be reacting well. Of course they are probably losing a lot of staff to the virus or self isolating but the food retain system has always been slow to react. On the way home I went into the local convenience store which is almost next door to Tesco. They had milk although only full fat. No bread but they had toilet rolls. I know where I’ll be going first in future.

Until a couple of days ago I was promoting the Tennis Trading Guide. The feedback that I was getting was that people were interested in having something to read and study but as this situation is clearly going on for a lot longer than initially expected and the tennis season was extended further yesterday it just doesn’t feel appropriate to continue to promote it.

The trading guide is still available if anyone does want something to study and I am more than happy to respond to any email queries. Its not like I have much to do right now!

My heel problem is improving. I think with total rest if would have recovered fully by now but the dogs still need exercising. Walking any distance is still quite painful and I strained a muscle in my leg by trying to protect my heel and not walking normally! Happy days.

Tennis Trading Guide

TradeShark Diary, 19th March 2020 Read More »

Further cancellation to the tennis season

The WTA and ATP tours are now cancelled until June 7th.

How does that affect subscribers to the Trading Tips emails?

If you have a monthly subscription I would recommend you cancel it and re-subscribe once the season starts again. If you want to leave it running then I will refund any payments that come in.

Anyone who signed up for the full season will have any missed time carried forward to next season.

As before anyone who paid for emails along with the Trading Guide will also have any missed days carried forward to when the season starts again.

Tennis Trading Guide

Further cancellation to the tennis season Read More »

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