
TradeShark Diary – 6th March 2020

I am still on the normal entries rather than video. My laptop is playing up a bit. It’s not surprising. I use a laptop rather than a desktop as i like the flexibility of being able to take everything with me when needed. I am running 2 24 inch monitors off it so when I add a camera and microphone into the mix I need to pretty much close everything else down to make a video or record my screen. Not ideal.

I looked at desktops to run along side the laptop but in the end have gone with a second laptop. I still have my 2 old monitors. So potentially I will have 6 screens available.

The new Trading Guide sales page is a real improvement on the old one. I used to think the old site converted sales pretty well but the new version is 3 to 4 times better. Its only been 3 weeks since all the SEO stuff has been in place so I suppose it might be a flash in the pan. Quite a long flash though so fingers crossed. I never really bothered with optimising the old site. It seemed to be ticking along quite well on its own. The hard thing with the new site is that I now have to leave it alone. SEO doesn’t work quickly.

The new laptop arrives tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be set up quickly and might try the video diary to show the new set up.

I was called a spammer this week! I send out around 10 -12 tweets a day letting people know about the trading guide and the blog etc. So someone followed me and then sent the 1 word tweet, “Spammer”. Hang on, YOU followed ME. Isn’t that a bit like coming to my house, knocking on my front door while screaming, ” I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!” and then walking off?

Tennis Trading Course

TradeShark Diary – 6th March 2020 Read More »

TradeShark Diary, 1st March 2020

I am still struggling to work the diary into the daily routine ( or even the weekly routine). I am toying with the idea of doing a video diary instead. Maybe a mix between written and video entries.

At the moment it seems like an extra task. Of course it is an extra task but in terms of priority it is low down after match research, trading and the trading tips emails. My thoughts are that if I do a video diary I can just click record on the camera and talk while I work.


The tennis in the last 2 or 3 weeks has been challenging. Trading-wise things have been pretty normal. You trade the match in front of you. Predicting match winners has been the tough bit. Obviously I don’t really care about the match winners other than to get a better score on the tournament predictions.

Having not had any sort of holiday for several years we have booked a long weekend in May. I love holidays but my wife just likes being at home. Even when I explain to her that I WORK at home and it would be nice to have different surroundings for a few days she has not been enthusiastic. I mean it’s not like she needs to DO anything other than pack some clothes. I arrange it, book it, pay for it and drive us there. I look after the dogs’ needs. Anyway I will be letting subscribers know the exact dates soon.

Not many matches on today and as I have the house to myself I am going to get the dogs’ walk out of the way and settle down for an afternoon of football. I have to fix a problem in the kitchen at some point today. The socket for the dishwasher isn’t working but as it is behind the washing machine I have to drag everything out before I can see what the issue is. Hopefully a 10 minute job but how many times does a quick job turn into an afternoon?

Tennis Trading Course

TradeShark Diary, 1st March 2020 Read More »

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