
TradeShark Diary – Sunday 3rd November

It’s been a quiet week compared to normal. I haven’t heard anything from the copyright trolls but I doubt I have heard the last of them.

I have 2 dogs. Both were OK with fireworks until about 3 years ago. There is a school nearby and they have a fireworks display. They hold it in their playing fields which are probably no more than 75 to 100 metres away from our street. It was never really an issue until 3 years ago when they decided to get industrial size fireworks. You could feel the house shaking and it was more like a war zone than a happy family event. …

Tennis Trading Course

TradeShark Diary – Sunday 3rd November Read More »

TradeShark Diary – Sat 26th October

It has been a pretty good week.

I thought I had finally got to the bottom of the irritating site issues. I don’t mean the ones caused by me making changes to the site. I had pretty much thrown everything at it to get page loading speed higher. I have been through everything and removed things that weren’t actually adding anything either to the usability of the site or to the performance. …

Tennis Trading Course

TradeShark Diary – Sat 26th October Read More »

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