TradeShark Diary, 18th May 2020

I had a bit of play on the Aussie horses this morning. I did ok on small stakes. It might be a good idea to spend some time on this and especially so when the UK racing starts up again. I also had a go on the 3 Turkmenistan football matches. The first 2 had 3 goals in the first half. The first match shows as abandoned on but the overs has paid out.


I have had quite a few questions via email in the last few days. They might be suitable for another “Ask TradeShark” video. Some of them are the same old questions that I get all the time but there have been a few new ones too.

Last night’s dog walk was interesting. Lots of bats around. We were being dive bombed at one stage although I didn’t manage to keep the camera still enough to catch anything but a blurr. A little further down the path I caught this one.

Another quiet day overall. I haven’t seen any news today other than 10 minutes of Piers Morgan on GMB. He is still miffed that no ministers will go on their programme. Their viewing figures seem to be dropping fast. Its funny to see on Twitter that some people love the fact that he is “holding the government to account” and “asking the questions that we want asking”. The thing about questions is that it would be nice to hear the answer. I suspect the Morgan fans wouldn’t understand the answer even if we got to hear it.

Steak for tea.

Stay safe.

Tennis Trading Guide

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