TradeShark Diary, 6th June 2020

The BBQ’s off! The roast pork Sunday dinner is ON. The rain dances worked.

It wasn’t all good news. Sue had booked a day’s holiday and hadn’t told me. As far as I know she is still working on Monday. It was still a chilled out day.


Sue finally managed to break the downstairs toilet. It looks like the siphon is buggered. I have never had to change one so I might end up paying someone. I’ve told her she has to shit in a bucket from now on.

I traded some of the football. Mixed results and I was about £25 up. Hopefully we have some of the top tennis players taking part in some exhibitions. I haven’t been all that inspired by the low ranking players that we have endured so far.

I finally managed to find someone to supply the bulk bag of gravel for the garden. He isn’t back at work until Tuesday so fingers crossed I can finally get the job finished.

As Sue wasn’t working we had a film and Chinese night. We watched Prodigy. Not the worst film I have ever seen.

One good thing to come out of the virus is that I have had more normal amounts of sleep. I have averaged 7 hours a night. When things get back to normal it will be interesting to see if my work home balance changes. That should be my home-work home balance.

Stay safe.

Tennis Trading Course

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