TradeShark Diary, 7th April 2020

Boris is still in intensive care. Breathing on his own apparently and has not got pneumonia. He was put into the ICU in case he required the ventilator. What has been surprising is some of the messages on Twitter from people saying they hope he dies. I wonder how many people would actually say that when they are not hiding in their bedroom behind a phone screen?

When you have been involved with the online community for a while, not much surprises you. That doesn’t stop the feeling of sadness that people have so little empathy for others that it is more important to them to try to get a reaction by spouting vile comments. If you expose yourself immerse yourself in the Betfair, Youtube and Twitter communities you get to experience first hand the type of pricks that are out there.

I won’t claim to have been a Boris fan and couldn’t bring myself to vote for him but I have to say he has conducted himself extremely well during this crisis. When he packs in all the clowning he is a very capable Prime Minister and leader. I hope he pulls through.

I was supposed to be doing an interview today but it didn’t happen. It has been rearranged for Friday. At least most people will be off work as it’s Good Friday!

Stay safe.

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