Trading Tip – WTA US Open, Muchova v Potapova

Muchova 2-1. Most recent Aug 2023, hard, Muchova in 2. Potapova won on hard in 2018, 3 sets. Hard win %’s are better for Muchova.

H2H record from Tennis Profits
Head to head info from

Muchova reached the semi finals last year. She has not played many tournaments since then but has performed well on all surfaces. 2 sets win in the first round. 2 sets win over Osaka in the second round.

Muchova results

Potapova lost in the 1st round last year. She beat Fernandez in 3 sets as underdog in the first round. 2 sets win over Lepchenko in the second round. Semi finals in Cleveland. Quarter finals in Indian Wells. Third round in Dubai. Quarter finals in Brisbane.

Potapova results

12 month stats and 2024 stats are stronger for Muchova.
Back Muchova around 1.95 to 2.10 and remove liability at 1.50.

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