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Betfair Trading Expert – Scam update

Dr Matt Abraham who incidentally, allegedly, has a PhD in Probability and Statistics has decided to remove the tennis section from his product. Not certain why but I suspect he thought that statistically the probability of me leaving him alone was small.

He has changed his sales site and also emailed his customers to explain that he is going to concentrate on what he does best.


“Slight change to the order of running here at BTE.  As you know I’ve recently made a few amendments to allow me to refocus on what I do best, which is trading.
Well as part of that process BTE will now be fully focused on football trading and that means that tennis will no longer be part of the service, although you probably won’t be too upset as I’ve not sent a tennis tip out this year :-)”
Ahh nothing to do with being shown to be a lowlife scumbag.
Betfair Trading Expert - Scam update 1
The above screenshot is just part of a comparison done by the CashMaster Blog.
No word from the Doc himself to me despite sending him greetings via various media although I did get a juvenile comment on the blog from a matt@hotmail.co.uk .
I wonder what the probability is of him sending me a share of the money he got by selling a product where 4 of the 6 strategies were copied and pasted from my site…….
Tennis Trading Course

Betfair Trading Expert – Scam update Read More »

The scam is still running. Betfair Trading Expert warning

I noticed today that Matt Abrahams is still selling a section of my Trading Guide in his Betfair Trading Expert ebook.

A few months ago I showed with the help of the CashMaster blog that he had simply copied and pasted sections of my Guide. He sells the ebook which has 6 strategies ( 2 football and 4 of mine) for £45 whereas from me you get for £29 more strategies, more help and support and best of all you aren’t dealing with a scamming lowlife.

If you have been conned by Abraham email him for a refund matt@betfairtradingexpert.com

Better still if you purchased via Clickbank it is very easy to get a full refund without even going through Dr Matt. 


Tennis Trading Course

The scam is still running. Betfair Trading Expert warning Read More »

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