TradeShark Diary – 5th December 2019

It looks like the copyright scammers have run out of automated emails.

I wasn’t aware of the scam until they targeted me but after a couple of their emails it was clearly a scam. They use emails from legitimate copyright claim companies but their copy/paste skills and attention to detail let them down.

I take a lot of care not to use copyright images as I have been a victim of people blatantly copying my work and selling it as their own.  Click here for an example from 2010.

If you get one of these emails be careful. Obviously if you HAVE used copyrighted images then get some advice. Look at the emails in detail and if you see some of the mistakes that I have highlighted  on the blog don’t reply to them.

Copyright is important but is also open to abuse.

Now, back to Christmas shopping….

Tennis Trading Course

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