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New Strategy! Second Set Late Break
(check out the Strategies section below)

Live Streamed Trades

The next live stream will be on Thursday 13th March at 6pm.

13th March link is

I’ll start the stream 15 minutes before start time.

Link’s to the streams will be emailed to members on the Notification email list.

Watch recordings of previous live streams on the Live Streamed Trading page.

Email me to be added to the notification emails for the live streams.

Remember, use small stakes while learning. You will make mistakes and it makes NO sense to let them cost you much. When you are consistent with small stakes start to increase stake size SLOWLY. The changes need to be so gradual that you hardly notice them. Protect your confidence as much as you protect your bank!

If you have any questions as you go along just email me at 

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The chat has been made private after it was shared on the Tennis Profits chat.

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